Hormone Balancing to get and stay Pregnant

From trying to conceive on your own to the variety of assisted reproductive technologies available (IUI, IVF, etc.), if your end game is a baby in your arms, your first step should be Balance to stablize hormones. 

Here’s Why:

Helps achieve optimal hormone balance for getting + staying pregnant

Throughout the menstrual cycle, various hormones are working together to trigger menstruation and ovulation. It’s quite fascinating to think about how many factors are at play to create this symphony. A key hormonal player when it comes to getting pregnant is progesterone. If estrogen is known to be the female sex hormone, progesterone is the ying to its yang—critical for pregnancy because it: 

  • Maintains the lining of the uterus, making it possible for a fertilized egg to attach
  • Allows the embryo to survive by creating a healthy environment in the womb
  • Prevents immune rejection of the developing baby
  • Allows for full development of the fetus through pregnancy
  • Helps the body use fat for energy during pregnancy

As important as progesterone is, it tends to be one of the hormones most easily disrupted. A main reason women are progesterone-deficient is because they have too much estrogen in the body. Having an estrogen dominance or lack of progesterone can prevent your ability to conceive (hence, why estrogen and progesterone are used in hormonal birth controls) and also sustain pregnancy. 

Included in Premama’s female hormone balance supplements is chasteberry, fruit of the chaste tree. Chasteberry is a natural occurring source of progesterone. Since it does not contain hormones, it has a supportive, gentle effect on the body. Modern clinical research and traditional use of chasteberry have shown its amazing ability to help balance fertility hormones. It helps normalize the ratio of progesterone to estrogen to balance your hormones and improve your uterine health.

Insufficient progesterone levels in women can cause many different types of fertility problems including irregular menstrual cycles, luteal phase defects, and increased levels of the prolactin-pituitary hormone. Chasteberry has long been used to treat these challenges.

Strengthens and tones uterine lining 

Implantation can often be an afterthought to ovulation and fertilization, but it’s critically important in maintaining pregnancy. Our female hormone balance supplements include a proprietary blend of nutrients that work together to strengthen and tone the uterus, supporting its function and preparing it for implantation. The interplay of hormones rising and falling prepares the uterus to host and support the embryo as it grows. 

Detoxes the body + creates the optimal environment for your growing embryo

Optimal levels of Vitamin's C + E work together to prompt liver function, effectively breaking down and removing not only residual hormones from birth control, but environmental toxins stored in the body too. They nourish and regenerate the liver cells. The Cleanse includes essential vitamins and nutrients that support the earliest and most critical stages of pregnancy along with iodine to regulate the thyroid, helping ensure hormones enter the bloodstream and reach the body’s cells. 

If you are preparing your body for pregnancy, Premama’s 28 day Cleanse is your go-to first step for balancing hormones to get and stay pregnant. 

Have more questions about hormone balancing supplements? Find us on Instagram. We want to hear from you! 

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