5 Self-Care Essentials for the Winter Season

‘Tis the season for crazy schedules and holiday celebrations. We know how it gets: you forgot to send your daughter to school with a Santa hat, you’re late to pick up your in-laws at the airport, and you still have some last-minute gifts to buy.

Through all the chaos, time for Y-O-U gets pushed to the side and your never-ending to-do list is filled with the needs of others. We know it might seem impossible to make time for yourself, but it all comes down to priorities and self-care during the holidays is extremely important. Put yourself at the top and you’ll be sure to enjoy all the holiday feels rather than powering through and feeling burnt out. We’re here to remind you to slow down and breathe deep. Read on for some self-care basics and holiday wellness tips to keep you feeling merry and bright all season long.

1. Make sleep a priority

We know you have presents to wrap and cookies to bake but catching those zzz’s are more important. You might think it’s impossible to stop what you’re doing and get to bed, but you need to do it. Aim for those 8 hours of rest!

2. Get up and move

If you feel stressed, take a moment to go outside and walk it out. It’ll increase your heart rate, get your blood moving and improve your overall mood. Getting a few extra steps in daily will make you feel less guilty for eating those extra treats! We know that “getting dark outside at 4 PM” feeling can sometimes get us down, pop a sachet of our caffeine-free Energy Boost Drink Mix in your purse to mix on-the-go throughout the day!

3. Maintain a healthy diet

This may be easier said than done with all the holiday treats being passed around, but maintaining a healthy, well-balanced diet will help you feel better and less sluggish. Think: a replacement for your daily candy cane could be our minty fresh Prenatal Vitamin Duo-capsule. Once a day is all you need to ensure you're getting essential nutrients! 😉

4. Practice yoga and/or meditation

Schedule a class at your favorite studio, tune in and zen out or carve out 5 minutes and follow a guided meditation in the Expectful Meditation & Sleep app. Both allow you to focus on the present, reducing stress to be the best version of you. If you're expecting, learn some of our favorite pregnancy yoga poses!

5. Slow down and ask for help when needed

You can’t do it all. Ask your significant other to fold the laundry or do the dishes. Part of your holiday wellness should be to step back and take some quiet time for yourself.

We see you out there giving this holiday your all. But remember, doing your best means finding balance and time for you, too. With our holiday self-care tips for moms, you’ll find more gratitude and be able to soak in all the festive feels. Wishing you the best holiday, yet!

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